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Thursday, March 8, 2012

My "To Do" List

This is actually a copy of hand written scribblings from my journal. I still keep a journal on top of my blog. It's a daintly looking notebook which I bought in 2009 at National Bookstore.

One of the pages contain my 2011-2012-2013 To Do List (it's a 3 year plan). It's not long list. Just a few important milestones I would like to do in the next 3 years or so. Had to write it down in my journal so that I won't confuse them with my other minor To Do List elsewhere in my other notebooks. I thought that by publishing them, I'd be more determined enough to ensure that it gets ticked off the list.

So here it goes...(with side comments which were not included in my notebook entry)

Write a new article about children with special needs and submit them for publication. (The former is easy. Getting it published takes a little bit of opportunity and luck.)

Do 5S more often. (Than I already do. Okay, this one is quite easy. But it's good to be reminded.)

Get a Tatoo! (Hubby supports this but I was advised to be content with the henna-thing.)

Buy an Amazon Kindle (?). I must be desperate to do this. (I ended up striking this out of the entry but including it here for transparency. I decided I am not yet that desperate.)

Buy more gemstone earrings. (Started! There is something down to earth about precious stones. And there are more to precious stones that the diamond, emerald and ruby variety.)

Be more deliberate.

Learn new recipes. (Not exactly my cup of tea...so I started with baking again.)

Update the travel masterplan. With dates and bookings. (It's back on track.)


Read more books again. (And I meant real books, not the pretend books.)

Eat more real food. (I was inspired after reading Food Rules.)

Get more sleep! (Working on it)

Only postive thoughts!

Continue life conversations with Kyla (What we teach our kids today will at least help shape up the person they become tomorrow. I learned this from my parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles.)

Learn a new language. (Kyla knows the language I have chosen. Inspired by a movie I was watching when I decided to do this.)

I am excited about updating our travel plans once again. Kyla is excited too! It lagged for a while so now we have some catching up to do. Travelling has been made relatively affordable nowadays and the places we are interested to see are not very far from where we live today.

I have started my new language exploration. I downloaded this app with voice over tutorial and I started with handy, everyday phrases. I am so looking forward to actually have to put it to good use someday!

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