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Saturday, March 17, 2012

Simple Greek Salad

I once had to grab a quick lunch and decided to go this take-away Greek salad at Salad Stop. The ingredients look so simple and it's quite easy to replicate this salad so I tried it home with some variations.

Below is the picture of the salad without the final dressing and cheese toppings, for better visualization of the ingredients.

Salad just before I added the Greek Feta Cheese dressing
and Cottage Cheese

I used vegetable fussili pasta to make it more colorful. Then added sliced cucumbers, heirloom and cherry tomatoes, a few olives (can't see them here) and broccoli florets.

I found this bottle of Greek Feta Cheese dressing from Margetti. This dressing is perfect and I didn't have to bother adding more spices to the salad. Add the dressing to the salad mixture and toss. The dressing comes with bits of feta cheese.

You can also add a dash of feta cubes after tossing the salad.  I chosed to instead add 3 tbsp of cottage cheese. You can be as liberal as you like. Chill slightly before serving.

This salad is best paired with grilled pork/steak/salmon in lieu of rice. I also eat it as is for a quick breakfast or snack.

The kids love this as well so it is a great way to also serve vegetarian fare!

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