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Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The Living and the Dead

I did thought that death is such a gruesome topic for blog at the eve of my birthday. But the memory did cross my mind suddenly and the lightbulb moment was on! There was no turning back.

No one wants to ever confront the thought of dying. At least, not now and not at our current age anyway.... But it was not too long ago when I dreamt about death. Mine.

In the dream I was lying on a bed, talking to a lady with a little girl beside her. The lady must be the grown-up Kyla. I remember telling her not to be sad and that everything will be alright. That I will always be there for her.

Only that. And I was gone.

The next thing I knew, there were two Angels (sigh of relief...). They told me not in speaking words but by way of telepathy that I was actually not supposed to go yet. They were supposed to fetch Kevin. They couldn't call him.  They had to get me to get to Kevin.

And so there were three of us, looking at him. In a blink-of-an-eye-moment, I was there with two blinding light Beings beside me, calling my son. I recall telling him "It's time." He looked my way and heard me.

Only that. And we were gone.

Whenever I had to confront what is out there in the future for our son, the memory of this dream comes back. There is comfort in knowing that I will be there for him, that we will be together until the end and we will both be watching from afar those we love whom we will leave behind.

And my life... between now and then... are simply moments to fill and cherish!

And Kevin's life... it is in dying that he will start to live again!

1 comment:

  1. ... love of a mother to a "special" son!
    guiding and taking care of him till the end...

